Thursday 14 July 2016

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Here's the Formula to Making Money Online
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Stop Hair loss

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Easy Homemade Beauty Tips For Hair To Follow:

1. General Health: Diet

diet food
Diet plays a very important part in the overall health of our hair just like skin. Here are a few additions to your diet as per your hair type that will help you add some glory to your crowning glory.
  •  Normal Hair: Fish, chicken, dals, sprouts.
  •  Dry Hair: Raw vegetables, pulses, brown rice, bananas, nuts, vitamin E capsules.
  •  Oily Hair: Green leafy vegetables, salads, fresh fruits, yogurt.

2. Shampoo: Mild shampoo

The most important of steps to keeping your hair healthy is keeping it clean. And the product you choose needs to be right for you. Always keep them mild.
Get Skin Care Tips from Top Dermatologists on Lybrate. Click here to ask your query
  • For dry hair: Choose one doesn’t further strip your hair of its natural oils.
  • For Oily hair: Choose one that works on limiting the activity of your oily scalp
Do use a clarifying shampoo every once in awhile or the product build up will effect the results that you shampoo has. Ladies, please remember that the shampoo is meant to clean your scalp and not condition your hair so aver doing the shampoo for dry hair is not going to help you in anyway. If anything it will only cause harm in the long run. Use only a drop the size of a coin for one wash, it is more than sufficient.

3. The best conditioners: Egg

egg best conditioners
Eggs work wonders on your hair. The yolk is rich in fat and proteins which greatly acts in moisturizing while the white helps to remove unwanted oils.Use egg to condition normal hair, egg yolks for dry hair and whites for oily hair. Remember to rinse with lukewarm water only !!!

4. Cleansing away the itchy scalp: Lemon juice and olive oil

olive oil for skin
An itchy scalp can be a result of poor diet, stress or climate. Treat it with a mixture of 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice, olive oil and water.
  • Massage your scalp with this mixture and allow it to rest for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off as usual.
The lemon juice helps remove dry flakes of skin while the olive oil moisturizes the scalp. 

5. Damaged hair: Honey and Olive oil

Honey and Lemon
Sun’s rays can be really harmful for your hair and can damage it badly. To get rid of this problem, try honey and olive oil.
  • Massage 1/2 cup honey and 2 tbsp olive oil into clean damp hair
  • Rinse off after 20 minutes.
Olive oil conditions while honey has both anti-bacterial and conditioning properties.

6. Volume boosters: Beer and Egg

Volume boosters
To add body to limp or flat hair, this is the perfect remedy.
  • Mix 1/2 cup flat beer, 1tsp oil and 1 egg
  • Leave on for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with tempid water.

7. Frizzy hair: Avacoda

Avocado on frizzy hair
Treat frizzy hair by massaging a mashed avocado into hair.
Get Skin Care Tips from Top Dermatologists on Lybrate. Click here to ask your query

8. Dandruff: Brown Sugar

Brown sugar for Dandruff
One of the most common hair problems is dandruff.
  • Treat it effectively at home by mixing 2 parts of brown sugar to 1 part of your hair conditioner and lightly rub it on your scalp.
  • Rinse off thoroughly.

9. Hair fall: Aloe Vera

Hair fall is an ever existent problem in out lives. And it constantly captures our attention! We are unable to think of anything. Aleo Vera is a perfect for healing the scalp and bringing the pH balance to normal. It also has cleansing properties that cleans the pores out.
  • Blend aloe vera gel with 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
  • Add 2tbsp. coconut oil.
  • Mix it and apply on your scalp and hair.
  • Wash your hair as usual after 20 min.

10. Graying hair: Hair Color

Gray hair is never welcome. Even as a remainder of age! Even more when it comes earlier in life. Hair colors in the market are always there but have you considered that a more natural choice would be better for your hair?
Henna has been used a coloring agent for centuries now and when mixed with Indigo the results are only better. Here is how you can do it yourself.
  • Mix henna and Indigo. Allow it to sit over night.

For brown hair

  • Mix Indigo in warm water and leave it for 15 mins.
  • Mix the above two pastes.
  • Apply to hair and leave it on for an hour wrapped in a shower cap.
  • Rinse well and shampoo

For black hair

  • Mix Indigo in warm water and allow it to sit for 15 mins.
  • Apply Henna paste on hair for 25 mins and wash off.
  • Add salt to the Indigo paste and apply to hair.
  • Leave it on for 2 hours wrapped in a shower cap.
  • Rinse after.

I hope these tips help you all in getting and maintaining your hair,so it can be the healthiest hair you can have. Also remember, it’s important to hydrate from the inside out so make sure you drink lots of water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as it really does make your hair  look more healthier and lustrous.

6 Secrets to Gorgeous Skin

  • Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays with an SPF of 30 or higher, even on cloudy days.
  • Reapply your sunscreen every two to three hours you’re outdoors.
  • Don't smoke -- for the sake of your overall health as well as your appearance.
  • No. 3: Consider Retinoids

    Retinoids unplug pores, help clear up acne, reduce fine lines, boost collagen production, lighten brown spots and freckles, and improve skin texture. They can even help treat precancerous lesions.
    Retinoids are sold by prescription only under names that include Renova, Retin-A, and the generic Tretinoin.
    "A retinoid should be the foundation of any topical anti-aging regimen," says dermatologist Paul M. Friedman, MD, co-author of Beautiful Skin Revealed: The Ultimate Guide to Better Skin.
    He recommends that men and women make a retinoid part of their evening regimen beginning in their 20s.
    The downside is that retinoids can cause dryness, flaking, and redness at first.
    Starting out slowly by applying a pea-sized amount of retinoid every second or third night can help your skin adjust to the powerful ingredient.
    Or consider an over-the-counter cream, gel, or serum containing retinol. This nonprescription version of a retinoid works more gradually and gently but is still effective in rejuvenating your skin.

    No. 4: Keep Skincare Simple

    Overuse of products is the biggest mistake people make in their skincare regimens, says Jeanie Leddon, MD, PhD, a dermatologist in Boulder, Colo.
    "Some patients come in with a grocery bag full of products and wonder why their skin doesn’t look or feel great," Leddon says.
    Using a lot of different ingredients can be irritating, and some ingredients cancel out each other's benefits.
    For example, the acid in salicylic or glycolic acid breaks down ingredients like retinol, hydroquinone, or vitamin C. "More," Leddon says, "is not necessarily better."
    Friedman agrees. He says the products needed for beautiful skin are "a simple cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer, and a retinoid or retinol."
    The simpler your skincare regimen, the more likely you are to stick with it.

    No. 5: Give Products Time to Work

    Changing your products every couple of weeks can also be counterproductive.
    Give them a chance, Leddon says. Finish the entire tube or bottle of a skincare potion before you decide how well it works.
    You might, though, want to adjust your beauty regimen seasonally, swapping, say, the oil-free moisturizer you use in the summer for one that’s more emollient during the winter when frigid temperatures and indoor heating can rob your skin of moisture.
    The exception: If your skin reacts with swelling, redness, or burning to a new product you’ve tried, stop using it immediately.
    If not, Leddon says, finish the entire tube or bottle of a skincare potion before you give up on it.

    No. 6: A Balanced Life Leads to Your Best Skin

    Campbell says about her traffic-stopping gorgeous skin, "I don’t have a secret."
    But then she reveals a host of healthy daily habits:
    • She’s a vegan who starts her day with a mango, blueberry, and spinach smoothie, shuns processed foods and buys organic fruits and vegetables at her local farmers market.
    • She teaches yoga part-time and practices a vigorous form of yoga daily.
    • She also gets seven or more hours of sleep a night.
    All these markers of a healthy lifestyle undoubtedly help Campbell keep her skin looking its best.
    Regular sleep, Friedman says, optimizes the natural secretion of human growth hormone, which promotes cell turnover and collagen production. And exercise increases circulation and the flow of nutrients to the skin.
    Activities like yoga and meditation help keep stress in check, which in turn reduces the release of stress hormones that worsen conditions like acneeczema, and rosacea.
    Meditating regularly may even make treatment more effective. In one study, people with psoriasis, a condition that causes itchy, scaly skin, listened to meditation tapes while they got ultraviolet light treatments. The results: They healed four times as fast as those who didn't meditate.
    The bottom line: The key to gorgeous skin turns out to be a mix of science, common sense, overall good health habits, and a simple stick-to-it skincare regimen.


30 tips for glowing spot free skin
© getty


We know, we know—you've heard it a million times, but wearing sunscreen is the single easiest way to look younger for life. "Ninety percent of wrinkles are from sun exposure," says Day. "It's so much easier to prevent the damage than it is to fix it afterwards." That means no slacking during winter months either, when rays are just as strong and can reflect off of buildings and sidewalks. Look for a formula that offers broad-spectrum protection to guard against UVA rays (the ones that cause premature aging) and UVB rays (one of the main causes of skin cancer). Try Philosophy Shelter Broad Spectrum Sunscreen in SPF30 (£22.50, Selfridges).


A British study found that 72% of women never wash their brushes or sponges, even though they collect dirt and bacteria which can cause breakouts. "You should wash loose powder brushes every two to three weeks, and those used to apply foundation once a week," says Jessica Wu, an LA-based dermatologist and author of Feed Your Face. Mix a couple of drops of gentle facial cleanser or shampoo and lukewarm water in a cup, swish your brushes around, rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry, and lay flat to air dry.


Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which increases skin elasticity and may decrease skin cancer, according to recent studies. Throw in walnuts—which are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids—to lower inflammation and put the brakes on breakouts, says Molly Morgan, Board Certified Sports Specialist Dietitian and author of The Skinny Rules. Finally, add some macadamias. "They're full of high quality oils and fatty acids that aid in skin repair and rejuvenation" says integrative practitioner Isaac Eliaz. Aim for a handful of each daily to reap their pore-perfecting benefits.


"It's much more concentrated than cream or lotion, so you tend to only need a small amount daily to see results," says Fran Cook-Bolden, Director of New York's Skin Specialty Dermatology. Look for one with antioxidants, the skin's major defense against free radicals and stress, and pentapeptides, which are a must-have when it comes to boosting collagen, the support structure that gives skin a firm, youthful appearance. Don't worry about spending a fortune on the ingredients; one of Cook-Bolden's favorites is Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Serum (£24.45, Cosmetics Now), a sheer formula whose small molecules can dive deep into pores. For best results, apply to freshly washed skin; follow with sunscreen or moisturiser to lock in hydration.


According to a Stanford University study, that iPhone you can't keep your hands off of can get more germ-infested than a toilet in a public toilet. In fact, the glass touchscreens on mobile devices are so good at spreading viruses that sharing them may be almost as bad as sneezing in someone's face. Here's a scary thought: All those germs land right on your cheek and jawline every time you chat away, causing spots and irritation. To keep your phone (and face) bacteria-free, wipe it down with an antibacterial wipe like Clorox Disinfecting Wipes a few times a day.


The sequence in which you apply your products could be even more important than the products themselves. Reach for those with the most active ingredients as soon as you wash and pat skin dry. "These are the most powerful, so you want them to come into direct contact with your skin," says Syed Amiry, a dermatologist practicing in Reston, Virginia. If you're using more than one active product (like an antioxidant serum and Retin-A), start with the thinner one. "Anything that's water soluble should go first, followed by the product that's thicker and creamier. If you do it in reverse, the heavier cream will block the ingredients of the lighter one from penetrating the skin, so they won't have any impact." If you need moisturiser, it's next up in line, followed up by—what else?—sunscreen each morning.


"Dairy products—even those that are organic—contain cow hormones that stimulate your oil glands and your pores, leading to acne," explains Wu. Beware of hidden dairy in foods like salad dressing, protein bars, and shakes. And if you have to go there, stick to skimmed milk. "The hormones are concentrated in the fat, so it's your best option."


"Everyone should use retinol," says New York dermatologist Doris Day. "It has decades of clinical data to support its efficacy, helps skin cell turnover, and boosts collagen production to keep skin firm and youthful." Most dermatologists agree that if you're only going to use one anti-aging product, prescription Retin-A (and even highstreet versions like No Wrinkles Extreme Moisturiser, £41.40, This Works) is the magic bullet, and can even reverse abnormal and cancerous growth, among other forms of sun damage. "It has great anti-inflammatory effects, which is why it's as effective at treating acne as it is at treating wrinkles and other signs of aging," adds Amiry.


We know, you've heard it all before, but it's called beauty sleep for a reason. "Sleep deprivation lowers circulation, which is why you look pale and washed out if you only get a few hours," says Amy Wechsler, one of only two U.S. physicians board-certified in both dermatology and psychiatry. It's also the best time to rejuvenate your skin. "Your body's cellular renewal team has the night shift, so this is when you want to equip your skin with as many nutrients and hydrating ingredients it needs to do a fine job," she says.
To make the most of your beauty sleep, check out these 7 beauty buys that work while you sleep 


It's amazing how something so tiny can feel so huge, but enlarged pores are one of the most common beauty complaints. "Pores appear larger when they're filled with dirt, oil, dead skin cells, and keratin, a protein that lives on the surface of skin," explains Amiry. "Remove those plugs, and they seem to shrink." To clear out the gunk, start exfoliating regularly with daily applications of salicylic and glycolic acid, like those in Murad Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel (£51, Murad). Then add a cleansing system (like Clarisonic Mia 2, £125, Clarisonic) to soften and smooth skin, and clear the dead surface cells. To keep pores from getting even bigger as you age, practice safe sun. "Sun damage breaks down collagen, which can affect pore size as well."


Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant and polyphenol found in red grape skins, has been found to prevent the lines, wrinkles, and sagging caused by environmental skin saboteurs like smog and second-hand smoke. "In many preparations, it's an even more powerful antioxidant than vitamin C, and studies show it creates mild-to-moderate skin tightening for a firmer look," says board certified dermatologist and research scientist Erin Gilbert. Apply a small pump of Skinceuticals C E Ferulic Serum (£70, Dermacare Direct) each night to plump up lines and smooth skin texture.


Most of us are guilty of stopping our skincare routine as soon as we hit our chin. And our neglected neck and chest take vengeance by wrinkling, sagging, and displaying dark spots that beg to be hidden by a turtleneck. "The skin on these areas is thinner, and doesn't have a strong blood supply, so it doesn't heal well," explains Amiry. "Plus it's an area that we often forget to protect with sunscreen." Use the same products as you would on your face, but start lightly (every other day) when applying active ingredients like retinols or acids since they may cause some initial irritation.


Leaving makeup and dirt on skin doesn't just clog pores; it can cause excessive dryness and even skin dandruff. "Most makeup contains a sugar-type molecule that can grow yeast overnight," says Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine. Don't forget to thoroughly remove eye makeup too. "It can lead to bumpy rashes around the eyes or small white bumps called milia cysts," says Wu. Try Rinse-Off Eye Makeup Solvent, (£18, Clinique) a gentle, oil-free cleanser that quickly melts away everything from waterproof liner to mascara.


Pick up some soy milk. Wu keeps a carton in her fridge at all times to "fake a good night's sleep." The natural anti-inflammatory reduces swelling while soy proteins hydrate skin to soften the look of crow's feet. The cold temperature helps shrink swelling and constricts veins to make eyes look less bloodshot. To make soothing, redness-busting compresses, pour a small amount of soy milk in a bowl, dunk two cotton balls, and squeeze out the excess. Then hold the cotton balls over your eyes (or any other area where you have red or irritated skin) for five minutes.


"Fluid fills up under our eyes each night because we're lying down," says dermatological surgeon Anne Chapas. Start by sleeping on two pillows to elevate the face. In the morning, massage away the excess fluid with the Garnier Caffeine Eye Roll-On (£6.49, Boots), which manually pushes out fluid. To reduce dark shadows, use your ring finger to lightly tap GinZing Eye Cream (£23, Origins), which contains caffeine, onto the delicate area. "Caffeine constricts vessels to minimize leaking, which causes the darkening, while titanium dioxide, mica, and iron oxides reflect light away to brighten."


A steamy shower may feel great, but it's one of the worst things you can do for your skin. Not only does the heat strip essential oils, but it creates a mild burn. Blood vessels respond by dilating in an effort to cool the skin, causing flushing and ruddiness. "When you're in your twenties, you can take a hot shower, be red & swollen and recover in an hour, but in your thirties, it may take 2 hours," says Alexiades-Armenakas. "By your forties, your skin just doesn't have the ability to shrink back to its original state so you stay ruddy all the time."


Most creams and lotions have key ingredients that create a protective barrier on the surface of the skin to lock in moisture, but because skin cools itself by evaporating water, you only have a few minutes before that hydration is gone forever. Slather on a moisturiser with natural silicone, while your face is still damp. Alexiades-Armenakas' research shows that it locks in moisture for up to 24 hours, plumping and improving the appearance of fine lines as skin drinks up the moisture (like the difference between a raisin and a grape). Try Three Kings Deeply Moisturising Face Cream (£19.50, Aranais).


Waxing and tweezing can cause scarring or spots, especially for women with darker skin. Prep your skin before hair removal by washing the area with an antibacterial wash, suggests Cook-Bolden. And to avoid discoloration, make sure to have an aftercare plan that includes anti-inflammatory ingredients to quickly calm skin and help it heal. Cook-Bolden recommends a dab of Avène Cicalfate Restorative Cream (£19.45, Cosmetics Now) immediately after hair removal, and for a few days afterwards. "Investing in this type of product will save you money in the long run since preventing discoloration costs a lot less than trying to get rid of it."


Adding a lycopene-rich food, such as this juicy pink treat, "helps reduce damage and redness caused from sun exposure, prevents future wrinkling and possibly even lowers skin cancer risk," says Elizabeth Somer, nutritionist and author of Eat Your Way to Sexy. Aim for one cup each day by tossing it in salads, salsas, and smoothies. Or try her recipe for refreshing ice cubes: Purée watermelon, sweeten with concentrated apple juice, pour into an ice tray, and freeze. Then add cubes to water (fizzy or still) for a refreshing, skin-saving mocktail.


"Over time, the natural enzymes in your skin work less effectively at removing dead skin cells, so they hang on and prevent your skin from reflecting light," says Wechsler. The result? You look ashy and gray. Speed up your skin's cellular turnover and smooth its surface with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) like glycolic or lactic acid. But beware: Although lots of products include AHAs, the concentration is often too low to do much. "Look at the label to see how much it contains and pick one that's around 8%. Anything more is too much." Expect some initial stinging at first; it should subside as your skin gets used to it.


As if you need another reason to buy a new pair of sunglasses, turns out they provide more protection against undereye wrinkling and aging than sunscreen. "While your eyes are equipped to handle sunlight, the area around them is comprised of the thinnest skin, where most of the signs of aging are," says Amiry. "Every time you squint from bright light, you're creating lines from that repeat movement." To keep the wrinkles away, choose a pair of polarized glasses that's wide enough to fully cover the eye area.
Here's our top 10 sunglasses


"Water helps clear the toxins that cause inflammation and blemishes," explains Eliaz. "It also assists in transporting nutrients and oxygen to skin cells, and preventing dehydration, which can cause premature aging." It can even make skin appear fuller since the hyaluronic acid that naturally exists in skin will pull in and hold the water for a wrinkle-plumping effect, according to Day. Both recommend at least 8 glasses of water each day, more if you're active or live in a warm climate. To add a little flavour, try a skin-soothing tea like chamomile or mint.


If your skin has a case of the blahs, a lack of zinc may be to blame. "People who are trying to lose weight or eating a lot of processed foods might not be getting enough zinc to keep their skin glowing," says Wechsler. And since zinc helps repair damaged tissues and heal wounds, it also helps clear acne and other irritating skin conditions. A cup of Cheerios has 25 percent of the daily recommended value of the powerhouse nutrient, which will get you well on your way to a clear complexion.


We're all in a hurry to see results, but putting on the brakes can ensure that the results you get are positive. When you're starting a new product, use it every other day, and never try a few new buys at once. "Even if you just got a new skincare system, introduce one product every three to four days at the least," says Cook-Bolden. "You'll rarely experience dryness, irritation, and burning. And if you do, you'll know right away who the culprit is." Give any new potion at least 12 weeks (and up to 6 months) to see if it's really improving your skin before calling it quits.


Research shows that a diet high in fats and carbohydrates causes more wrinkles. "Creamy cheeses and red meats are actually known as aging fats because of what they do to our skin," says Wechsler. To keep your cells revved up and rejuvenated, stick to lean protein like fish, white meat poultry, tofu, beans and lentils.


Look for an anti-aging cream that has plant-derived antioxidants such as mushroom or soy. Data from Alexiades-Armenakas' lab shows that the level of antioxidant-free radical scavenging (i.e. the little warriors that fight off all of the bad stuff that causes premature aging) with plant-derived antioxidants is off the charts. "Plants have anti-cancer properties when we eat them, which means they survive the digestive process," she says. "Think of what that that means for their long-lasting powerful benefits when applied directly to the skin." Try Dr. Andrew Weil for Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Advanced Face Serum, (£46, Origins).


Move over, oranges. "Just a half cup of raw broccoli is loaded with 65 percent of your daily value of vitamin C," says Morgan. Research shows that vitamin C-rich foods not only mop up the free radicals that cause wrinkles and sagging, but can help remove the DNA damage they form. While you're reaping the wound-healing and skin-protecting benefits of eating more vitamin C, try smoothing some on your skin as well. In one study, women who treated sun-damaged skin with a vitamin C cream for six months saw significant improvement in fine lines and discoloration.


"Picking—even lightly—can permanently damage skin," says Amiry. "I actually have patients whose skin cleared up with no medications, just because they stopped touching it." Every time you press against a pimple, it causes inflammation and distress to the skin. At the same time, bacteria is pushed deep inside the pore, and the oil glands burst, causing even more trauma. The result? More acne, plus discoloration and scarring. If you're really hooked on popping, leave it to the pros and schedule regular monthly extractions with an aesthetician who knows how to do them safely and gently.


A powerful (cheap!) anti-aging potion is lurking right in your fridge. Raspberries are loaded with ellagic acid, an antioxidant that research shows can prevent wrinkles when applied to the skin. "It protects the collagen that keeps skin plump and beautiful from being worn down by the sun," says Wu. Add in honey, a natural humectant that holds water against the skin for maximum moisture, and you've got a recipe for gorgeous, dewey skin. Mash up a handful of raspberries with a spoonful of honey, and apply the mask to clean skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.


Antioxidants like vitamin C offer an extra layer of protection again environmental damage and toxins, diverting them before they can damage your cells. "That's why applying them as part of your morning routine boosts the efficacy of your sunscreen," explains Amiry. "It's important to know that sunscreens are chemicals that you are applying to your skin and they absorb into your body. So, use a lighter sunscreen daily such as SPF 15 along with vitamin C and a higher sunscreen (about 30) every two hours if you are outdoors for a long period of time."

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